If you wanna kno something interesting about yourself, send me a sample of your handwriting (a page at least) and allow me to tell you what I see-as in, pieces of your personality maybe.

30 May 2009


It's funny the way I've been trying to hang on to my life lately...I've realised a lot of things that have made me well aware of the fact that what I do now is going to decide what my future will be like...What kind of people I ought to hang out with, what kind of attitude I should develop to live life to the full as well as go ahead in life, how to be me and live with a clear conscience....are all questions I want proper answers for. I'd like to believe that I'm on the verge of getting all the answers coz there's nothing more disturbing than being doubtful of your own self. I'm excited and feel like a teen although I'm very much an adult. Maybe in the next few months I'll be walking in the path I choose and be extremely happy with it.